Departure and Cold
30 November, 2004 // 16:34

Playing: with myself. again.
Watching: the destruction of the human race as we know it.

It was a very sad day. My very good friend was forced to leave the AF today. It will truly leave a hole and make days at the office seem much longer. I wish him the best. I�m not much for this kind of thing, so I will leave it at that.

It was also a very cold day (it was like 18 degrees today). Some interesting conversation comes from cold weather. During a smoke break today some interesting things were brought up. For instance, how cold exactly is a witch�s tit? While people will state that it is colder outside than one with confidence, no one seems to have a response when asked to quantify their expression.
It was also said to be �butt fucking cold� outside. I�m not a scientist, nor do I play one on TV, but it seems to me that even with ample lubrication, this act would still create much friction. And friction makes heat right? Not to mention body heat that would be associated with those orifices/appendages. So how can this term be used to describe cold weather? I suppose if the �butt� belonged to a deceased person some of the body heat issue could be resolved, but that�s a whole other issue that I don�t wish do discuss at the moment.

Is it sad when you are unable to count on both hands the number of conversations you have had in the past week that have ended in necrophilia?

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