I don't think I can talk about anything without saying the F-word
29 November, 2004 // 17:19

Playing: with myself
Watching: me play with myself

I found out some more about my moving situation today. Apparently my wing/floor will be the last to move out. That means we will end up in the crappiest dorms possible (henceforth referred to as �the craphole�). Sweet. Did I mention my projected move day? December 25th. How fucked up is that? This obviously means I won�t be able to make it home for Christmas. Sigh. Also it�s gonna rock to move my things in Nebraska in December.

I�ll have to live in the craphole for 3 months. That means 3 months with no television and no internet connection. How will I survive? I�m convinced that it will result in me melting into some sort of prehistoric goo. I suppose I will be forced to develop new hobbies. Right now I�m leaning towards drinking until I pass out. I believe I may be quite good at it.


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